Creating Web Applications with Ruby on Rails

Creating Web Applications with Ruby on Rails


Ruby on Rails, known for its convention over configuration approach, allows developers to build applications quickly and efficiently. This blog post will cover the fundamentals of Rails and guide you through creating a simple web application.


Key Points

Introduction to Ruby on Rails:


What is Ruby on Rails and why use it?

Key features and philosophy of Rails.

Setting Up the Environment:


Installing Ruby, Rails, and dependencies.

Creating a new Rails application.

MVC Architecture:


Understanding the Model-View-Controller pattern.

Generating models, views, and controllers.

Routing and Controllers:


Defining routes in Rails.

Creating and managing controllers.

ActiveRecord and Migrations:


Introduction to ActiveRecord ORM.

Creating and running database migrations.

Building a Blog Application:


Setting up models and associations.

Implementing CRUD operations and views.



Recap of key concepts.

Next steps for advancing with Rails.